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- Hi!
- This is version 1.1 of Walrod Initials, a new shareware font brought to you
- by Penguin Productions.
- It is a fairly accurate knockoff of Geometrica, a font originally released
- in 1985 by Autologic from artwork prepared by Jeffrey G. Level and Bruce
- Frame. It contains only 26 initial caps -- there are no accompanying lower
- case letters or lining figures.
- Geometrica, and its two sister fonts Champ Fleury and Melencolia, are
- stylized renderings of the work of 16th century artists Geofroy Tory and
- Albrecht Drer. Both wrote treatises outlining the procedure for the
- geometric construction of Roman capitals. Each envisioned the capital
- letter surrounded by a box that contained circles, arcs and bisecting lines
- which follow rigid constraints.
- Dover publishes a $4 edition that highlights Drer's discussion on capitals
- called "Of the Just Shaping of Letters." Tory's work, "Champ Fleury," is
- more difficult to find (I've only seen excerpts, not a full English
- translation). I highly recommend the Dover book for anyone interested in
- gaining an insight to the forms of capital letters. The volume is very
- popular among calligraphers.
- Technically, this font was rendered on the Mac using AltsysÕ Fontographer
- 3.5 font editor. It is originally released as a PostScript Type 1 font
- (although Mac TrueType and comparable IBM versions will probably soon
- follow). Each capital is type high, meaning they are EXACTLY equal to the
- font size called (in 12-pt. type, the font letters will render 12 points
- high, in 72-pt., they'll be 72 points high, etc.). This may cause a problem
- for some applications that expect a font to have a descender. Those
- applications may render the font on the screen a little squashed, but it
- should print out fine. If not, please drop me a message and I'll reduce the
- cap height.
- The font has an Adobe UniqueID number of 5013601 (which has been registered
- with Adobe, so there should be no font caching conflict). The NFNT number
- used is 3060. As always, that is in the busy shareware zone and could
- result in a font conflict with other shareware/freeware fonts. It should
- not conflict with any commercially released font.
- The paths used in this font are complex and push the boundary of the Type 1
- font format. I have successfully imaged the font at 200-pt. at 1270 dpi on
- a Linotype RIP 40. I make no guarantees, however. Remember -- just because
- it images off your laser printer, don't assume it'll run at high
- resolution, especially if you're going up in size. Print a test before you
- go on deadline. The higher the output resolution and the bigger the size,
- the more problematic the file could become.
- Files included in this upload are:
- WalroIni Type 1 Macintosh Printer Font
- WalrodInitials.AFM AFM file (metric info in ASCII form)
- WalrodInitials.scr The Macintosh font suitcase
- READ.ME The file you are reading
- This font is being released as freeware to the modem-using typesetting
- community. It is my gift back to those who so frequently help me in my
- struggle to set decent type in a PostScript environment (such as Brad
- Walrod, for whom the font is named).
- The following restrictions apply: this font can be uploaded onto any MUG
- bulletin board and included in any MUG CD-ROM collection or MUG-authorized
- font disc collection. It must include all files, including this READ.ME
- message. It is NOT to be included on shareware collections sold for profit.
- I dislike seeing my work lumped in with sales pitches that promise "Over
- 200 megs of fonts!"
- On CompuServe, Walrod Initials is available on the DTPFORUM exclusively. It
- is also available in New York on a great little BBS called Laserboard.
- Other bulletin boards wishing to upload the font should contact me for
- permission.
- I don't have a huge legal staff, but please respect my wishes. This font is
- intended to be shared among the telecommunicating typesetting community --
- primarily those who also give, either of their programming or design
- talents, their knowledge or simply their understanding and sympathy that
- one may encounter a production problem that might not yet have a solution
- on the desktop.
- Walrod Initials is released in memory of Glenn Rodgers, an apprentice
- typographer at Characters Graphic Services, Inc., who died tragically in
- 1992. He is sorely missed.
- Notification of any problems with the font or requests for its upload on
- other bulletin boards can be made to:
- Jonathan Hodges
- 61 Winchester Road
- Ronkonkoma, New York 11779
- CIS #76276,3102
- Revision history:
- version 1.1 corrected four character so all characters have the same width
- and the same right sidebar. It also changed the bitmap from 24-pt. to
- 23-pt., since 24-pt. is a popular drop cap size and ATM renders the font at
- 24-pt. better than the untouched Fontographer bitmap.